Our Process

1. Submit Your Gas Service Request

Fill out a Gas Service Request online or give us a call at 330.682.4144 to get the process started for you.

Gas Service Request Form »

2. Receive Membership Packet

Your packet will include the application for membership and all other necessary paperwork to complete the application process.

3. Member Returns Packet

New member returns membership packet with payment for applicable connection/membership fee, which will include the first 100 feet of service line. If the service line is longer than 100 feet, a true-up will be calculated based on the additional footage, and an invoice will be sent to new member prior to turn-on of natural gas. True-up must be paid prior to turn-on of natural gas service.

4. Field Verification

A field technician will be in contact with new member to set up tap and meter location.  After this field verification, the field technician will assign a contractor for the service line install as well as tap and tie-in. All materials will be given to the contractor assigned.

5. Permits and Contract Work

Work will begin after any applicable permits are received, pending contractor availability.

6. Tap and Tie-In Completed

A contractor will install tap, service line to home and then tie-in new member service line at the tap location to main line. After this takes place, the contractor will notify CGC that work is complete. The contractor will provide exact length of installed service line so CGC can draft an invoice if a true-up is needed.

7. Schedule Turn-On of Service

New member will call CGC dispatcher and schedule turn-on of service. Please allow up to three business days after dispatcher is notified for turn-on to be scheduled.

8. Schedule Service Launch

To turn on service, you must have at least one appliance ready to connect to natural gas. Our technicians do not enter your home, and you will need to have someone present to light your appliance(s). Meters must be located in an approved location following CGC guidelines including the three-foot rule. Service will not be turned on until true-up for additional service line is paid, if applicable.

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